Hey you!
I’ve been thinking an about creating a blog for some time, and today I finally Get up the courage to start something.
If a busy guy like Brendan Eich´s keeps a blog, why I can not have mine too?
The idea of this blog is something more personal, my point of view on a particular subject and something portfolio-style.
This blog is devoted to the community Nerd or Geek, for those who like IT and coffee, and containing random thoughts and opinions on things that interest me.
I’m gonna write about cool stuff I’ve worked on like, code, big data, Software Architecture, process, random picks at development or anything else and share nice hacks I’ve done or found.
Hope it’s gonna be somewhat useful for someone else than me.
As far as possible I will try to enhance and improve my English. I’m not native English speaker. Sorry about that!
The blog uses a WordPress theme and is hosted by Godaddy